2 ways how to lose your potential customer

Your products are beautiful! Everybody admires how talented you are. You have thousands of likes on your Facebook page – yet nobody really wants to buy from you.

You are maybe offering a service and everyone says you are really knowledgeable, you know your stuff, then you just sit and wait but nobody really calls you to book an appointment.

hol vagyokWhat could have gone wrong? It is clear that those people do not know that your product or service is clearly what they need! They do not understand the value it can bring to their life – YET!

There is a chance that those people who look at your page do not understand what you are selling! It can happen if you are a service provider. The other day, I got an e-mail about something that I did not understand clearly along with an offer that it might be useful for my business. No website or company name, only “marketing advisor” or similar title in the signature. I could have ignored but I could not resist to hit reply and say: I do not actually understand if that thing you are offering could bring any value to me, but if you really want me to look into it, please send a link to your website or any information how I could benefit from it. stress at workplaceAnd then I got the website and no news since then. Why? They sent me a useless proposal and I even replied! and nothing! They are not getting back to me and I will not write them again to ask them to sell something to me. I will not go and tell them how to sell something to me even if I could be interested in their products. I could but would not worth the time and effort. They lost it. It is that simple.

Lesson learned: Make it clear what you want to sell. Make clear packages if you are a service provider! Do not expect people to spend time to figure out what you do and if they need you or not… Tell them!

I have an other story about a lady who tagged me in a comment of a post in a groupszámonkérő arcok on Facebook (so quite publicly), saying that she added me as a friend (means my private profile) and if I confirm the request, she will show me how to make my Twitter profile more visible, active and so it will be working better. Excuse me? Are you telling me that I am doing it wrong? Who are you to stop me and tell me publicly that I need help because I am not good enough according to you? So who are you again?

Lesson learned: Never try to sell before engagement. You do not know who you talk to! You have no idea what the other person wants! Not everybody wants to be visible on social media. Be a little bit more open minded and imagine that there is a world outside of Facebook and Twitter. While I know that the digital economy is growing fast,

Be Polite

Be Polite

I also know that NOBODY will convert if you approach them randomly with a sale offer, specially if phrased in an insulting style. Talk to people as if you met on the street – you are a random stranger. Smile first, say hi, introduce yourself, tell something about yourself, engage the other person. Be polite!

Talk to people in a way you want to be treated, you want to be talked to. Love your potential clients, respect them, provide value, otherwise they go away before you know it!

Did you find this article useful? Then you might want to read about HOW TO CONVERT PROSPECTS TO CUSTOMERS! Here is a book that I recommend from Khalid Saleh. This is an affiliate link to the book on Amazon if you want to see the details: Conversion Optimization: The Art and Science of Converting Prospects to Customers

Enjoy reading it! Now I am going to write more about this conversion topic as it proves to be very exciting!

Talk soon,


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